An overview of what hypnobirthing is; the basic physiology of birth; how to make informed decisions & the key breathing & relaxation techniques.
You also gain access to 2x downloadable relaxations and an editable birth plan template.
This course can be done in your own time & is perfect for those couples who are short on time or budget. Its is also a perfect option if you have completed a hypnobirthing course in a previous pregnancy & looking to top up your knowledge.
Hypnobirthing Fundamentals
Hypnobirthing is simple, effective antenatal education! The aim of the course is to help you feel confident in your birthing body, informed about your choices and excited to give birth. The back bone of the course is a selection of empowering tools and techniques to help you work with your body and have a positive and fulfilling birth experience.
The course is delivered monthly, hosted live on Zoom with me, Sarah and other lovely expecting couples.